Determined to get through college without taking on any private student loans, Shelby Lundin has held down three jobs while working on a nursing degree at Viterbo University. With a year to go until she graduates, though, she can cut back on her hours and concentrate more on her studies.
That’s because she has been chosen as a recipient of the Sister Grace Clare Beznouz Nursing Scholarship, an annual scholarship that was created to honor the driving force behind Viterbo’s nursing program and the nursing school’s first dean.
A 2015 graduate of Bigfoot High School in Walworth, Lundin started her studies at Winona State University in Winona, Minn., before transferring to Viterbo.
People have to go through a highly competitive application process to earn a Sister Grace scholarship, and Lundin was thrilled to be among the four selected as recipients, and not just because of how it lightens her financial burden.
“It’s just a huge honor to get a scholarship named for the founder of the program,” Lundin said. “It’s something you can be proud of, an acknowledgement of all the hard work you’ve put in.”