BGC Pathways Scholar Nathaniel Powell Plans Career in Business Law

Monday, April 8, 2024

The members of the Boys & Girls Clubs Pathway to a Bachelor’s Degree program committee found a perfect recipient for their scholarship in Nathaniel Powell.

Nathaniel Powell
ECAS major Nathaniel Powell competes with the V-Hawks track and field team in the long jump, triple jump, and javelin events.

“I grew up at the Terry Erickson Boys and Girls Club,” said Powell, a Logan High School graduate who met his best friends through the club’s many sports programs. “I am extremely blessed and grateful to be given an opportunity to further my education at such a great university. The scholarship has allowed me to represent my family, university, and community in the classroom and on the track.”

Viterbo came highly recommended to Powell by his big sister, Riley, a marketing student at the university who would graduate in 2022. Originally studying business administration, Powell changed his major to Ethics, Culture, and Society (ECAS) after taking a business law class taught by his favorite faculty member, Tom Knothe. ECAS is part of Viterbo’s pre-law track.

“I plan to start applying to law schools in October,” said Powell, who has minors in business administration and legal studies. “I would like to work for a company drafting documents, dealing with contracts, real estate, etc.—not necessarily in the court room.”

Powell is a member of the V-Hawks men’s track and field team, on which he competes in the long jump, triple jump, and the javelin. He also serves as a member of the university’s Student Athlete Advisory Committee, on which he helps with events like Christmas with the V-Hawks, fundraisers, and other activities designed to bring community members together.

“It’s rewarding, and it helps to build our leadership and organizational skills,” Powell said. “Everyone does a good job.”

In his free time, Powell enjoys skiing, snowboarding, spending time on the Mississippi River, visiting family, and traveling. He has been fortunate to experience much of the latter, having been to Greece, Spain, and the Netherlands. His dream vacation is to visit Japan to ski.

“I would love to attend law school in London,” he said.