TRIO Student Orientation

This comprehensive course aims to equip TRIO students with essential skills and knowledge necessary for both academic and personal success throughout their college journey. Through a series of engaging activities, discussions, and hands-on experiences, students will be able to navigate campus resources effectively, leverage technology ethically to enhance their work, and develop proficiency in college-level reading, research, and writing. Additionally, students will be able to navigate academic policies and study strategies, hone time management and communication skills, and actively engage within the campus community. With a focus on holistic wellness, students will be able to manage their health and wellness practices, financial literacy, and career exploration. Through activities that promote diversity, equity, and inclusion awareness, as well as the understanding and implementation of Viterbos core values, students will emerge from the course not only academically prepared but also equipped with the essential life skills needed for personal and professional growth. Students must be participants in the TRIO program to take this course.