Planning and Implementing Effective Teaching Strategies for Students With Exceptional Educational Needs

In this methods course, students will plan and implement instruction for diverse learners. These strategies are meant to be used in both general and special educational classrooms to improve the learning and academic performance of students who qualify for special education services. Students who enroll in this course will learn to design and differentiate content in ways that it meets the diverse needs of students across a multitude of exceptionalities. The course content will include: (a) instructional design, instructional and assessment techniques; (b) strategies to establish and maintain case records; (c) the use of assessment data to design goals and objectives for learning; (d) information needed in the development of Individualized Learning Plans; and curriculum and instruction to accommodate individual student needs. This course fulfills a pre-student teaching experience for licensure, so filed experience is required. Prerequisites: 290 or COMD-411, 306, 340, 374 or concurrent.