Located in Reinhart Center room 022
CLOSED Jan 9 8:30-1:30
CLOSED Jan 9 2:30-3:30
CLOSED Jan 20 8:00-1:00
CLOSED Jan 23 8:00-9:00
CLOSED Apr 18 & 21 All Day
CLOSED May 26 All Day
CLOSED July 4 All Day
CLOSED Sept 1 All Day
CLOSED Nov 26-28 All Day
CLOSED Dec 23-Jan 2, 2026
Copy, Poster, & Paper/Envelope Ordering Form
Copy and Mail Center Services:
Produce professional reports, posters, mailings, full-bleed brochures, and business cards Copy requests can be made using the online copy center request form on the left, or by stopping in the Copy and Mail Center to speak with one of the professionals.
Customers can also order or purchase white paper, color paper, and Viterbo University stationery and envelopes using the Copy Center Request. See paper samples.
- Department and public multi-functional devices (MFDs) located on campus where Viterbo employees and students can make their own copies or prints, but keep in mind, printing to any Department or Public device will result in double the cost charged to your budget compared to sending documents to the Copy and Mail Center; student printing charges are the same regardless of where they are completed, color is always more.
Viterbo has a service called WebPrint which allows users to print to designated devices on campus from a mobile device or non-university owned computer. Printing through Webprint will automatically be deducted from student's account or will be charged to department budget, at the end of the month.
Notary Services with Karen. Stop into the Copy and Mail Center during Karen's work day for your Notary needs.
Receiving and sending of mail for Viterbo University.
First class letters and magazines are distributed to employee mailboxes upon arrival, student first class mail is sorted and distributed to appropriate mailbox once a day, except for weekends and campus and declared holidays.
All packages are scanned upon arrival, an email notification is sent those who receive packages, and those recipients can retrieve the package from the Copy and Mail Center.
NOTE: The mailing address for Viterbo University is 900 Viterbo Drive - La Crosse, WI 54601. Anyone can use the mail services, as long as they pay cash/check for postage at time of mailing. We typically use USPS or UPS, for our outgoing mail, however, if you have prepaid Fed Ex return package, it will be picked up when Fed Ex delivers to Viterbo. For prompter pickup service, customers can call Fed Ex at 1-800-463-3339, to request pickup from 900 Viterbo Drive, La Crosse WI 54601.
For additional information or details please review our Copy & Mail Center Information for Internal Users site (requires Viterbo login)
Copy & Mail Center Information for Internal Users