Viterbo University became a wholly smoke free campus on July 1, 2014. Viterbo University helps ensure a healthy campus environment by prohibiting the use, sale, advertisement, and distribution of smoking and tobacco products including, but not limited to cigarettes, chewing tobacco, cigars, e-cigarettes, etc. Smoking and tobacco products are prohibited in university facilities, on university grounds, on sidewalks on and adjacent to university property, in university parking lots, at university-sponsored events, and in university vehicles. Policy violations may be reported in writing to campus safety, the Fine Arts Center staff, human resources, or residence life. Persons violating this policy may be subject to disciplinary action.
Students and employees interested in smoking cessation are encouraged to contact Wisconsin Quit Line at 1-800-QUIT NOW or The Wisconsin Quit Line is available 24/7 and provides free medications, live coaching, and web forums. Viterbo health services is also available for assistance.