Parking Policies

1. A. Viterbo University is committed to effective use of resources available to the University. These include all alternative and energy efficient forms of transportation for those who work, study and attend events at the University. For those individuals who choose personal motorized vehicles as their mode of transportation, this guidebook sets forth regulations which promote fair and equitable use of the University's limited, private parking space.

Part of this program necessitates that parking fees be assessed. These fees are designated for the maintenance, repair, and upgrading of the parking facilities and programs. Furthermore, these fees will help defray the cost of providing limited security for those lots.

This program will be administered through the Physical Plant department and the Business Office. Physical Plant will oversee the monitoring of parking permits, issuing of tickets, maintenance of lots, conducting towing and "booting" (defined in section 5. F) of vehicles. The Business Office sells/distributes the permits and collects parking fines. Parking permits can be obtained anytime of the year from the Business Office. Permits may be purchased from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday through Friday. See section 4. B. for more information.

Finally, this program affects everyone who brings a motorized vehicle onto Viterbo's property. Therefore, it is the responsibility of these owners and operators to review and understand this guidebook. Questions raised and not answered in this book need to be directed to the Assistant Director of Physical Plant for clarification:

Viterbo University
Assistant Director of Physical Plant
900 Viterbo Drive
La Crosse, WI 54601
Phone: 608-796-3923
Fax: 608-796-3919

Applications and Forms

3. A. Viterbo maintains several green areas around campus. Do not park in these areas. As noted in section 2.K, parking is prohibited on any Viterbo property not specifically designated for parking.

3. B. This program was developed to meet the increasing demand and pressures placed on the existing lots. As noted in section 1, parking availability is a University resource and this program is developed to preserve and enhance it.

3. C. As Viterbo is a private University, and the parking lots which belong to Viterbo are private property, Wisconsin state statute 346.55(3) allows for the ticketing and towing of vehicles determined to be illegally parked. Parking tickets are due within 10 calendar days after being issued.  If student fines are not paid, they can be assessed to your student account in addition to revocation of your Parking Permit, and your vehicle can be towed. Employees or other parties who do not pay fines will be subject to the same collection practices used by Viterbo University for its delinquent student accounts. Presently, if a vehicle is found on Viterbo property without a Parking Permit, the City of La Crosse Police Department will issue a $25 trespassing ticket.

3. D. Following are the 10 most common reasons why a ticket is issued:

  1. You've parked your vehicle in Viterbo Courtyard.
  2. You're riding a motor scooter or moped on a sidewalk.
  3. Your Parking Permit isn't clearly visible and/or placed in the proper location.
  4. You're parked illegally in a space designated for handicap parking.
  5. You're parked in the wrong lot for your Parking Permit.
  6. You're parked in a No Parking zone.
  7. Your vehicle is taking up two spaces.
  8. You're parked after hours, or have some special parking need not cleared with Physical Plant.
  9.  Your Parking Permit has expired.

3. . Campers, trailers, motor homes, or other like units cannot be used for sleeping or living purposes while parked on Viterbo property. Violators will be cited and asked to move their vehicle.


4. A. The parking program is administered and enforced by the Viterbo University Physical Plant department. Information regarding how to contact them is found in section 1.

4. B. As long as Parking Permits are available, they can be obtained anytime of the year from the Business Office. Permits may be purchased from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday through Friday. Please note that all Parking Permits must be paid for by cash or check. When obtaining a Parking Permit, please be prepared to provide accurate information on the year of the vehicle, color, make and model, the license plate, your Viterbo ID, and a current phone number. This information will be kept confidential. For two or three wheeled motorized vehicles see section 2.J.

4. C. Registration for vehicles can be done in person beginning one month prior to the beginning of fall semester and is as follows:

Resident students: Any student who has freshman status is not eligible for a parking permit. For those seniors, juniors, and sophomores wishing a guaranteed parking space, "Guaranteed" Resident Permits for use in lots D, F, L, N, O, P, Q and S will be sold through a lottery system. All returning seniors who have provided the Business Office with an application form when contracting for housing, will be placed in a pool with names randomly pulled in July for the upcoming academic year, until the number of names selected equals the number of permits available.  Once the number of seniors has been fulfilled, then all returning juniors will be placed into the lottery (and returning sophomores when the number of juniors have been fulfilled). These individuals will be notified on or before Aug. 1 of their selection, and will have until the second week of fall semester to pay for and obtain their Parking Permit. Returning students who have had a Parking Permit are automatically eligible to renew that permit. (they must complete a parking permit application) Any student who does not return the following semester forfeits the opportunity to renew their permit and automatically goes back into the lottery. 
Any remaining Guaranteed Resident Parking Permits will be issued to residents in order of their appearance on the waiting list during the second week of the fall semester.

4. D. In the event that snow needs to be removed from resident parking lots, a snow removal announcement will be posted 24 hours in advance at the entrances and other locations in the residence halls. Additionally, a note with all pertinent information will be placed in all residence hall mailboxes. Vehicles not moved by the stated time are subject to being ticketed and towed at the owner's expense, and parking privileges may be canceled.

4. E. A parking appeals board has been established to review appeals from individuals challenging citations reviewed for campus parking violations. This board consists of five individuals (Physical Plant, staff, faculty, student, administration). This board meets several times during the academic year. To file an appeal, either download an appeal form (PDF iconParking Appeal Form) or pick up an Appeals Form from the Business Office or Physical Plant office. The appeal needs to be filed within 10 days of the citation date. The payment of the citation under appeal is suspended without penalty during the appeal process. A vote to uphold the appeal results in cancellation of the ticket and refund of any fines paid. A vote to deny the appeal requires that the appellant pay the ticket within 10 days of the decision. Only if additional evidence or information becomes available after the board's decision, may the board's decision be appealed. This must take place within 30 days of the original decision and while the board is still assembled.


4. F. Warnings are not issued, due to the time and expense incurred.

4. G. A guest or visitor to Viterbo University is anyone who is present on the campus, and is not an employee, student, contractor, or vendor. A Visitor Permit may be issued for up to three consecutive business days. Parking on weekends or after 5 p.m. Monday through Friday (no parking 3 a.m.-6 a.m.) in the commuter lots does not require a Visitor Permit.

4. H. Physical Plant personnel may ticket or tow any vehicle(s) which violate parking policies.

4. I. As noted in section 4. C, Parking Permits (except for "Guaranteed" Resident Parking) are issued on a first come, first served basis. For Guaranteed Resident Parking lots, the number of Parking Permits issued will equal the number spaces available. Those winning a Parking Permit in the lottery system automatically qualify to renew that Parking Permit. All Parking Permits issued are valid for one academic year. All Parking Permits must be renewed on an annual basis.

4. J. As noted in section 2. K, parking is not allowed in any of the courtyards or vacated streets. Only Viterbo University maintenance vehicles and approved contractors/vendors may park their vehicles here for a limited time.

4. K. In the event that a vehicle becomes disabled, immediately contact Physical Plant at 796-3923 or Security at 796-3911 to inform them about the vehicle's location, make, model, color, license plate, and permit number. The vehicle will be permitted to park overnight without penalty. To avoid possible penalty, the owner/driver of that vehicle should have it removed by noon the next day. Any vehicles parked in the commuter lots 3 a.m.-6 a.m. (those not approved by Physical Plant) will be marked as abandoned and risk being ticketed and towed at the owner's expense. If you are locked out of your vehicle, contact a local locksmith for assistance. The La Crosse Police, Viterbo Physical Plant and Viterbo Security are not authorized to assist with disabled vehicles.

4. L. In the event that your vehicle becomes involved in an accident, please contact Security at 796-3911to file a report. Viterbo does track these incidents, as a federal law requires logging of campus crimes. For insurance purposes, it is also prudent to report such incidents to the La Crosse Police non-emergency telephone number at 785-5962. Viterbo is not responsible for the care and protection of any vehicle or its contents any time it is operated or parked on the University's property. Likewise, Viterbo is not responsible for damages to any vehicle operated or parked on campus.


2. A. Residents are those students and staff who have paid to live in a facility owned by Viterbo University. These students and staff must also be enrolled or work at Viterbo University. Parking regulations are enforced 24 hours a day, seven days a week, including holidays and breaks. Unless prior arrangements have been made with Physical Plant, parking without a parking permit during the periods when the University is not officially in session is not permitted. Lots are designated as Resident Guaranteed-lots D, F, L, N, O, P, Q and S.

2. B. Commuting Students are those students who have paid through the semester and are enrolled in at least one class. They can choose from the Commuter/Employee parking lots-A, C, G, H, I, J, and M.

Those lots designated as employee/commuter lots have the permit regulations  enforced from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday (not on weekends, holidays, or breaks). Unless prior arrangements have been made with Physical Plant, parking without a permit during the periods when the University is not officially in session is not permitted. For security reasons, no vehicle may remain in any commuter/employee lots between 3 a.m. and 6 a.m.

2. C. Employees of the University are faculty under contract with the University, or paid administrators and staff. Employees seeking to park their vehicles can choose from the Commuter/Employee parking lots-A, C, G, H, I, J, and M.

Those lots designated as employee/commuter lots have the permit regulations  enforced from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday (not on weekends, holidays, or breaks). Unless prior arrangements have been made with Physical Plant, parking without a permit during the periods when the University is not officially in session is not permitted. For security reasons, no vehicle may remain in any commuter/employee lots between 3 a.m. and 6 a.m.

Lot R is reserved exclusively for specified University Officials. No other vehicles are permitted to park in Lot R. Enforcement of this policy will occur 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

2. D. Visitor/Guest Parking. There are two 15 minute Box Office only parking spaces located in Lot A reserved for Fine Arts Center box office patrons. No permit is required to use these two spaces. In Lot I there are 10 guest only parking spaces available. These spaces require a dated temporary parking permit that can be obtained from the Admissions Office located in room 113 of the Reinhart Center. The permits must be hung from the vehicles rearview mirror, placed face up on driver's side dashboard or in the front windshield. Failure to do so will result in a ticket.

Guests to Viterbo for special events (lecture, theatre, concert, play, etc.) during the hours of 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday (not on weekends, holidays, or breaks), must obtain a dated temporary parking permit to park in any of Viterbo's parking lots. Permits can be acquired from the department hosting the event. Should special parking arrangements need to be made, contact Physical Plant a minimum of 48 hours in advance to obtain temporary parking permits.

Temporary Emeritus Parking Permits are available to retired Viterbo employees. Permits may be obtained at the Physical Plant building located at 727 Winnebago Street. The permit may not be used by family or friends. If the holder of the Emeritus Permit is re-hired in a permanent part-time position, they must contact Physical Plant to make new parking arrangements. 

2. E. People with special needs who hold a valid Viterbo Parking Permit will find several spaces conveniently located throughout the lots. These spaces are identified with the blue Disability Sign and are for the exclusive use of those individuals who have the Special Disability Permit. Contact Physical Plant to make any special arrangements to assist you with your needs. Visitors must obtain a temporary parking permit from the Admissions Office or Physical Plant to use these spaces.

2. F. Motorcycles, scooters, and any other type of licensed two- or three-wheeled motorized vehicles, must have a parking permit, (unless parked in the designated parking area on the south side of Viterbo Drive across from the FSPA apartments. Between the signs in this area, motorcycles and scooters can park 24/7 without a permit). Obtaining a permit allows parking in the same areas designated for automobiles. Completion of a special registration form is required for these vehicles, and forms are available in the Business Office. On two- or three-wheeled motorized vehicles, in lieu displaying the 'official' parking permit, a yellow tag can be obtained anytime of the year from the Business Office once the official permit is purchased, see section 4.B. The tag must be placed in plain view on the rear license plate or fender; otherwise a ticket will be issued. The same fines and guidelines exist for these vehicles (i.e. no parking on lawns, sidewalks, or any other place not designated for parking).

2. G. Vehicles occupying any of the commuter lots between 3 a.m.-6 a.m. without making special arrangements with Physical Plant will be ticketed and removed at the owner's expense. Those individuals who are attending school-sanctioned events (e.g. athletic team travel, academic field trips, etc.) and require short-term and/or overnight parking are required to display a temporary/visitor permit. This permit is dated for the duration of the event. 

2. H. Contractors, vendors and their employees, who must park on campus for related construction, maintenance, or service work, must display a Contractor/Vendor permit issued by Physical Plant. This permit will allow parking in restricted areas, as directed and approved by Physical Plant. Contractors, vendors and their employees, must still observe the Viterbo University parking guidelines and may have this privilege revoked at any time.

2. I. University owned/leased/contracted vehicles which are designated for fleet use are located in parking K behind the Physical Plant building. For the duration you are driving a Viterbo fleet vehicle, you may park your personal vehicle in the fleet vehicle lot. Viterbo parking guidelines are in effect in these lots. For those who are passengers in the fleet vehicles and need overnight or extended parking, see section 2. G

2. J. For all vehicles except two- and three-wheeled motorized vehicles, placement of the Viterbo University Parking Permit is only allowed to be forward facing on the rear view mirror. Unless you have made special arrangements with Physical Plant, any vehicle found not displaying the parking permit in this location and manner will be ticketed. The parking permit must be clearly visible, or the vehicle will be ticketed. 

2. K. Parking is prohibited at all times in yellow or white curb zones, no parking areas, bus zones, crosswalks, driveways, Viterbo Courtyard, V-Hawk Courtyard, portions of Viterbo Drive, alleys, sidewalks, the drop off areas at the Fine Arts Center, in front of fire hydrants and dumpsters, and other prohibited parking areas as designated. Parking is also prohibited in and on unmarked roadways and other unmarked areas. The absence of "No Parking" signs does not mean that parking is allowed. Parking at any of the loading docks is only permitted for the duration that it takes to load/unload item(s).

2.L. Anyone wishing to avoid permit fees can park along the city streets where designated. Please note that two-hour parking limits exist for many areas around campus and alternate side parking is in effect from Nov. 1 through April 1. Individuals who park in the lots owned by Franciscan Skemp Healthcare, St. Rose Convent, or any other private lots near campus are subject to their fines and penalties.


5. A. A Parking Permit needs to be purchased/obtained for any and all motorists who are not visitors/guests/contractors/vendors of Viterbo University, and are parking in any of the private parking lots on campus. The timing of Parking Permit purchases is detailed in  4. C.

5. B. This program is enforced year-round. Parking lot patrols can occur randomly and as needed.

5. C. Commuter/Employee/Resident Parking Permits are valid for only one academic year, including the summer session. Commuter/Employee/Residents can purchase permits anytime during the fall and spring semester. Permits are available at the Business Office, and can be purchased from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday through Friday.  Commuter/Employee/ Resident permits are valid from Aug. 15, through the academic year and into the summer up to Aug. 14.

5. D. If a Parking Permit is terminated before the end of its expiration date, the registrant must remove the Parking Permit from the vehicle and return it to the Business Office or Physical Plant. Resident students who move off campus during the academic year are required to present their parking permit when checking out of the residence. No refunds will be authorized by Physical Plant or the Business Office. Failure to return the Parking Permit will result in a fine of $25 being placed on the parking permit holder's student account.

5. E. Due to the design of the Parking Permit, it is transferable between vehicles owned by the same individual.

5. F. Viterbo retains the right to "boot" vehicles. Based on past incidents or the nature of the infraction, certain vehicles may have a restrictive device, commonly known as a "boot" placed on them. The "boot" will not allow that vehicle to travel any distance. Only when a cash payment of $30 is made to Physical Plant will the boot be removed.


6. A. Parking is permitted only in designated areas and in accordance with all posted signs. Each parking area is marked by a sign which designates the type of parking allowed. All vehicles must be parked properly within the marked stalls. A marked parking space is the area between the yellow lines, between a yellow line and a sidewalk, or the width of one concrete car stop.

6. B. There are several different parking lots on campus, designated specifically as commuter/employee lots, resident lots, University Officials only lot, and physical plant lots. The two plans are the guaranteed resident and commuter/employee hunting parking.

6.C. To make the best use of the parking spaces,"hunting" spaces are oversold. In the "guarenteed" lot plan, only one Parking Permit is sold for each stall available.For those enrolled in the hunting plans, you may find that lot full, even though you have a valid Parking Permit. Locating legal parking space is the responsibility of the driver. Remember to allow extra time when commuting to campus on busy days.

6. D. Viterbo does what is possible to keep the lots free of snow during and after snowfalls. Depending upon the amount of snow, it may take two or three days to remove snow piles from the lots. If there are not available spaces in the lot after three days, please contact Physical Plant for suggested alternate parking.

6. E. Viterbo University encourages the use of the bicycle for transportation to and from campus. Bicycles may be parked only in the designated bicycle racks. Bicycles may not be parked in university buildings, on sidewalks or driveways, in motor vehicle parking spaces, in building entrance ways, or any place that would obstruct free passage of pedestrians or vehicles. Bicycles shall not be parked on or locked to handicap-access ramps or trees. Locks may be cut and bicycles impounded by Campus Security for observed violations. All bikes parked on campus must be secured with a hardened lock to a bike rack. La Crosse city ordinance requires that all bicycles ridden within the city be registered with the City of La Crosse Police Department. Bicycles can be registered at La Crosse City Hall (400 La Crosse St.). Registration is $2.00. Students may register their bike at the "Office of Residence Life" for a one-time $5.00 fee which includes a city registration and winter-time indoor storage for resident students. The registration is good for as long as the owner is in possession of the bicycle. Bicycles may also be registered in the National Bike Registry online Please contact Campus Security at 608-796-3911 if you need assistance in locating a bike rack or if your bike is lost or stolen.

6. F. Student owners and operators holding Viterbo Parking Permits are responsible for keeping their address current with the Registrar's office.

6. G. Vehicles will be considered abandoned and towed at the owner's expense when left in a commuter lot past 3 a.m. without approval of Physical Plant. 


* Parking in a No Parking zone $15
* Parking improperly registered vehicle in a guaranteed resident lot  $25
* Improper parking  $15
* Blocking a driveway  $15
* Restricted zone    $15
* Unauthorized zone    $15
* Non registered vehicle/trespassing  $15*  * $20 if City of La Crosse issues ticket
* Driving on sidewalk    $25
* Overnight parking    $10
* Handicap parking violation   $75
* Parking in a visitor spot without temporary permit  $15
* Fraudulent registration   $5


Commuter - 12 months  $30
Employee - 12 months  $30
Cabinet Member Reserved - 12 months $50
Resident guaranteed - 12 months  $125
Resident guaranteed underground Clare Apts  $250
Motorcycle/Moped - 12 months  $30
Summer resident/commuter   $10
Replacement permit     $30

A commuter student who currently holds a Commuter Permit, and during the academic year moves into a University residence facility and wishes to obtain a Guaranteed Resident Permit, may submit the Commuter Permit to the Business Office and pay the differential permit fee. Likewise, a resident who currently holds a Guaranteed Resident Permit, and during the academic year moves out of a University residence facility and wishes to obtain a Commuter Permit, may submit the Resident Permit to the Business Office and receive a Commuter Permit at no additional cost.

Written suggestions to promote traffic safety and efficient transportation on campus are always welcomed by Physical Plant. Please address all suggestions/comments/concerns to:

Assistant Director of Physical Plant
Viterbo University
900 Viterbo Drive
La Crosse, WI 54601
Phone: 608-796-3923
FAX: 608-796-3919

Viterbo University reserves the right to modify its parking policies at any time.
(Updated 12/08/2011)

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