With the consent of chairperson and in consulation with a faculty member in the department, a student may engage in independent study in any of the areas approved by the instructor. Goals and objectives, and courses of study are to be set up before the student finalizes reqistration. Refer to the academic policy section for independent study policy. An independent study contract is required. May be repeated for credit.
Individual and independent reading, research, and writing under the guidance of a faculty member. Refer to academic policy section for independent study policy. May be repeated for credit. Restricted to students with junior or senior standing.
This course considers the origins and developments of, as well as the current theological issues concerning Christian rites and symbols. Students will engage with the shape and practice of worship and rituals as they impact human experience. Religious rites have celebrated initiation, adulthood, guilt and reconciliation, ministry and committment, sickness and death. Prerequisite: 160 or 342. IFP
This course delves into the processes of moral interpretation and moral decision making in the fast-changing contemporary world. Students will learn the foundations for a moral decision-making process and the various ways in which the moral decision-making process can be utilized. They will look critically at various church documents which speak to specific moral issues of the day, while recognizing the values inherent in competing approaches to the moral issue.
This two semester course requires the student to work closely with two religious studies professors writing a major research paper that integrates historical, practical, exegetical, and systematic theology in a paper presented in a public arena. Student will enroll for one credit in the first semester and two credits in the second semester. This course is designed for religious studies majors and minors. Prerequisite: 160 or 342. May berepeated for credit.
Courses on topics of interest to religious studies students offered on the basis of need, interest, or timeliness. Restricted to students with junior standing or higher. May be repeated for credit. For specific section description, click to the Section Details in VitNet.
This course uses films (and similar media) to help participants develop an ability to recognize theological and religious themes and pratice methods for theological reflection. A variety of films will be shown, rated G-R, on themes of sacrifice, vocation, leadership, forgiveness, love, family, faith, and Catholic tradition. Prerequisite: 160 or 342. IFP
Non-classroom experiences in the field of ministry, non-profit, or other related areas. Placements are off-campus, and may be full- or part-time, and with or without pay. Includes internship experience arranged by advisor and/or internship coordinator. Prerequisites: six credits of RLST. Restricted to students with junior standing or higher. Graded CR/NC.
This course delves into foundational materials for developing a personal spirituality based on Christian principles for spiritual development. It will promote an understanding of the influence that spirituality, beliefs, and values have on human health and healing. The student will apply course content in developing a personal holistic approach in the care of self, patients, clients, families, and communities. Prerequisite: 160 or 342. IFP
A survey of the history of the Christian Church: its leaders, conflicts and development from the age of the Apostles to contemporary times. A study of the impact of church history for todays religious experience. Application of historical themes to the modern world. Prerequisite: 160 or 342. IFP