"It is our unique privilege to be the kind of beings who can participate in the formation of our beliefs, values, and choices, but this requires we take some ownership in understanding how our views are formed and, most importantly, how these views can be constructively changed for the better."
Howard received a Ph.D. from the Katholieke Universiteit, Leuven, Belgium, in 2004. His recent research interests include the philosophy of technology and media ethics, astrobiology and moral enhancement. He has published articles on Kant, Hegel, Schelling, in the fields of philosophy of emotion, philosophy of education, philosophy of film, ethics, and is the editor of the Journal of Analytic Teaching and Philosophical Praxis. He regularly leads seminars for Serving the Common Good and The Ethical Life.
Jason Howard. “Something Eventful This Way Comes: On Pandemics, Events and Capitalism.” Acta
Academic. Vol. 53, Iss. 2 (2021): 82-102.
Jason Howard. “Rethinking Conceptual Intelligence and the Astrobiology Debate,” In Social and
Conceptual Issues in Astrobiology, eds. Kelly Smith and Carlos Mariscal. Oxford University Press,
2020: 130-156.
Jason Howard. Adventures in Reasoning: Communal Inquiry through Fantasy Role-Play. Rowman &
Littlefield, 2015.
Jason Howard. Conscience in Moral Life: Rethinking How Our Convictions Structure Self and Society.
Rowman & Littlefield, 2014.
Jason Howard. Life and the Nature of Time: Investigating the Conceptual, Ethical and Cosmological
Implications of Astrobiology. Springer Press (2026).
Jason Howard is also Chief Editor for the journal, Analytic Teaching and Philosophical Praxis, focused on issues in the philosophy of education, broadly construed, and the importance of philosophy in K-12 education.