Theatre (BFA)

Degree Type
Area of Interest
Performing Arts
Degree Level
Conservatory for the Performing Arts
Sample Plan
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This conservatory-style program is designed for students who demonstrate the talent, potential, commitment, and drive to pursue careers as professional actors. Our intensive actor training curriculum is enhanced with courses such as theatre history, dramatic literature, makeup, introductory design, technical production, and stage management, all designed to develop a comprehensive knowledge of the craft and industry. The Viterbo program is an excellent choice for those dedicated to becoming professional actors who also aspire to be multi-skilled theatre makers.



  • Students wishing to major in theatre or music theatre must audition and interview with a faculty committee.
  • All theatre and music theatre students are considered “candidates” for their designated degree program through the first four semesters. The process for determining each student’s degree track includes a meeting with faculty at the end of the first year of study to make a preliminary assessment about student progress toward the desired degree program and area of emphasis. In the spring semester of the sophomore year, students meet with the faculty to formally audition or interview for entry into the upper division of their desired degree program. Transfer students also audition or interview for entry into their desired program on a timeline determined by the faculty based on individual experience and background.
  • Students in all degree programs are considered part of the department’s theatre “company.” All majors are required to be actively involved in each production through design, performance, and technical support in one of the shops or in service as a member of a production crew. Through practical experiences in all aspects of theatre, students enhance their knowledge and gain a respect and appreciation for theatre as a collaborative art form.
  • Students in the BFA program: of the eight total credits of required theatre practicum for the acting emphasis (four semester in the theatre core; four in the major), one semester must be a performance of a minor role, and one must be a performance of a major role.
  • Students must earn a grade of C or higher in any theatre course required for the major or emphasis. Earning lower than a C will require the student to retake the course.
Learning Outcomes
  • Read and analyze a variety of texts for the purpose and intent of production.
  • Demonstrate familiarity with the history and traditions of theatre practice.
  • Make connections between academic training, classroom and studio experience, and production with the goal of a professional experience.
  • Demonstrate proficiency in the use of research for a variety of theatrical practices.

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  • Emphasis – select one
    • acting emphasis (50 credits) – CNSV 270, 470, DANC 110 (or appropriate level), MUTH 300, THTR 121, 147, 207, 217, 250, 276 (two credits), 302, 303, 327, 341, 357, 407, 476 (two credits), four credits from THTR 319, one course from DANC, four credits from MUVO 168, 368
    • stage management emphasis (44 credits) – CNSV 470 or 480, MUTH 339, THTR 250, 260, 300, 318 (seven credits), 357, 424, 440, two credits from DANC, four credits from THTR 119, 319
      • nine credits from the following areas –
        • acting/playwriting – THTR 147, 302, 465
        • dramatic literature – THTR 320
        • internship – THTR 487 (limit three credits applicable to major)
        • technical production – THTR 265, 351, 354, 355, 361, 375
        • theatrical design – THTR 342, 346