Small class sizes, individualized attention, and the opportunity to play baseball drew Devin Brown to Viterbo University. The interactions with faculty and the friendships he’s developed have kept him here.
“I really like the community at Viterbo,” said Brown, a senior from Green Bay whose baseball career was unfortunately cut short due to a knee injury. “The group of friends I made as a freshman are all still extremely close.”
The building of community is one of the most important aspects to Brown’s work as a resident assistant (RA) in La Verna Apartments.
“I tell students that high school doesn’t have to define you,” he said. “This is a great time to figure out the person you want to be and reinvent yourself. Talk with people and make new friends. School goes by fast. Cherish each moment with the people around you and be grateful for who you are with.”
A biochemistry major, Brown plans a career as a physical therapist and will soon begin applying to graduate schools.
Brown recently started a major semester-long research project with biology department faculty mentor Chris Mayne. He will be examining whether gene therapy can decrease the time it takes to recover from muscle injuries.
“I have always been fascinated by anatomy and the muscular system,” Brown said. “Injuries are the worst part of being an athlete, and as a physical therapist I will be doing what I can to get them back on the field faster.”
The close community at Viterbo also helped lead to a great internship opportunity for Brown at Three Rivers Performance, which is owned by the adjunct faculty member who taught his biomechanics class.
Outside of his studies, Brown enjoys hiking in the La Crosse area bluffs, scenic photography, video games, and spending time with friends.
“My ultimate goal is to work with athletes as a physical therapist for a professional baseball team,” he said.