Master of Arts with Principal Licensure (WI 5051)

Degree Type
Area of Interest
Degree Level
School of Education

Our Principal Licensure 51 program prepares educators to become school leaders at the Dean, assistant, or Principal level.  When chosen as your area of emphasis, your master's degree  will be 13 courses (36-credit hours). 

Blended delivery, with M.A. core coursework online:

  • 12-credits of M.A. core coursework (5 courses)
  • 21-credits of Educational Leadership core coursework (7 courses) 
  • 3-credits of required Principal coursework (1 course)

To add Director of Instruction (WI 5010), students will taken an additional 6 credit hours.





Admission Requirements for all Graduate Programs in Education (degree, license, endorsement, or certificate) include the following, but may include additional program-specific admission requirements:

  • A minimum cumulative undergraduate GPA of 2.75 or at least a 3.0 cumulative GPA for 12 graduate credits from an accredited institution in order to be admitted in good standing
  • Earned teaching or administrative license
  • One academic reference contact required for Wisconsin and Iowa Educational Leadership programs

All requirements for any graduate program in education must be completed within seven years from the date of application to the graduate program. Coursework must have been taken within the last seven years from the date of application to be applied to program requirements, with the exception of Iowa Educational Leadership programs which is limited to five years. 

A student must have a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 to complete any graduate program in education and a grade of C or higher earned in all Viterbo University coursework. 


In order to attend EDUC 604 Proseminar and engage in commencement ceremonies, students must have completed all required courses in their program of study. Proseminar is the culminating course in the MAE program; it is offered on campus each summer only. Proseminar provides students with the opportunity to present their research and to participate in commencement ceremonies. Degrees are conferred in August after successful completion of all required coursework including EDUC 604 Proseminar.


Students must apply online and be accepted into the program of their choice before registering for courses. Students will be assisted by their advisor/program specialist when registering for the first semester. In all subsequent semesters, the student will register online in VitNet/Student Planning.

Transfer Credit
Master of Arts in Education and Educational Leadership

Upon acceptance, student may transfer up to six credit hours of graduate credit taken within seven years of application date to be applied to the MAE degree program.  Up to six credit hours taken within seven years of application may be considered for the Wisconsin Educational Leadership program for equivalent graduate courses. Up to six semester credit hours taken within five years of application may be considered for the Iowa Educational Leadership program for equivalent graduate courses. 


Learning Outcomes
  • Action Research: Synthesize information and experiences to grow professionally and actively participate in the educational community of which he/she is a part.   
  • Leadership: Apply quality principles of teacher leadership - including the skills of effective communication, collaboration, and motivation to shape, change, and improve student learning.
  • Synthesis: Integrate opportunities to grow professionally and actively participate in the educational community of which they are a part.        
  • Ethics: Integrate historical, philosophical, and social foundations of education into their educational practices.  
  • Pedagogy: Demonstrate the ability to provide different approaches to learning and create instructional opportunities that are equitable, based on developmental needs of students, and that are adapted to the diverse needs of students.  
  • Assess: Integrate student achievement data, local, state, and national standards, and district initiatives into plans for instruction. 

Courses are offered during the school year and during the summer.  A summer course meets typically Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Courses offered during the school year are offered using a blended approach, partially face-to-face (three Saturdays from 8 a.m.-5 p.m.) and partially online. The online portion is asynchronous, in other words, at least two weeks prior to the face-to-face Saturday meeting you will receive instructions as to what is to be completed before the face-to-face meeting.

In order to be accepted into the program, complete the following:

  • Completed online application with all uploads
  • Provide the University with your original transcripts from degree-granting institutions
  • One letter of recommendation from your administrator
  • A copy of your teacher and/or administrator license
  • In addition, there is a professional writing reflection if you do not have a master's degree at the time of your application to this program.

Viterbo presently has six cohort sites for its Educational Leadership program in:

  • La Crosse
  • La Crosse Diocese for Catholic educators (NEW)
  • Eau Claire
  • Green Bay
  • Middleton
  • Tomahawk (alternate years - next start May 2021)
  • West Allis