Viterbo University to Host "Fired Up for Science" April 21

Thursday, April 2, 2015

April 2, 2015

Contact Tammy Clark at 608-796-3470 or


LA CROSSE, Wis. – Area students and their parents are invited to an evening of fun demonstrations and hands-on science experiments at Viterbo University’s “Fired Up for Science” event from 6–8 p.m. Tuesday, April 21.

Rocket launches, intense flames, gummy bear sacrifices, liquid nitrogen, and explosions, creatures biology, and physics are just some of the visually appealing science experiments included in the program, which will be held throughout and outside the Reinhart Center. A chemistry show is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. in the Fine Arts Center Main Theatre, and there will be plenty of hands-on experiments in which visitors can participate.

“Fired Up for Science is a giant open house for chemistry, biology, and physics,” said Tammy Clark, Viterbo associate professor of chemistry. “This is our fourth year of the event, and it continues to grow.”

“Fired Up for Science” is presented by Viterbo science and math faculty and students. It is free and open to the public and registration is not required.

“It’s great to see the kids’ eyes light up as they think it’s magic,” said Viterbo student Rehman Eon, who has a double major in chemistry and mathematical physics. “Then you explain how it is really a cool, scientific phenomenon.”
