Viterbo University Conservatory for the Performing Arts to Begin in Fall 2021

Tuesday, February 2, 2021
Viterbo Fine Arts Center main theatre

Feb. 2, 2021

Contact Frank Ludwig at 608-796-3369 or


LA CROSSE, Wis. – Viterbo University has announced the formation of the Conservatory for the Performing Arts to launch in fall 2021. The program embraces a new approach to conservatory training that values and honors the liberal arts tradition while providing essential skill development necessary to succeed in a demanding professional world.

Many conservatories of the past have been known for offering “arts-only” education, providing just enough general education course work to satisfy the minimum expectations of a baccalaureate degree. The Viterbo University Conservatory for the Performing Arts will continue to provide deep exposure to the liberal arts alongside nationally recognized professional training that will make graduates better prepared for the complexities of today’s arts careers.

“Our performing arts students will have the best of all worlds,” said Frank Ludwig, interim dean of the Viterbo College of Business, Performing Arts, and Leadership. “They will receive strong professional preparation while receiving a full educational experience at Viterbo University. The move to a conservatory will make our commitment to educating professional artists and art community leaders more transparent and build a greater sense of connection across the performing arts fields for faculty, students, and alumni.”

Viterbo will maintain its distinct majors in theatre, music theatre, and music as well as its minors in arts management, dance, theatre, and music. The conservatory will also seek to identify new fields of study related to performing arts and the live entertainment industry and expand opportunities for interdisciplinary pursuits.

The mission of the conservatory is to inspire students to perform at the highest standard in their art and their lives as they are prepared to be practitioners, scholars, leaders, or advocates for arts in society.

For more information about the Viterbo University Conservatory for the Performing Arts, visit
