Viterbo Students Advocate for Nursing Issues on Capitol Hill

Viterbo nursing students advocate on Capitol Hill

Senior nursing students Julia Klimek and Monica Burt accompanied Viterbo School of Nursing Dean Martha Scheckel to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) Deans Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C., to attend the AACN Student Policy Summit.

The summit is a three-day conference at which students deepen their knowledge of policy and advocacy. Along with deans and students from Wisconsin nursing programs, one of their stops included a visit to the offices of Wisconsin legislators on Capitol Hill, where they advocated for addressing hot-button issues such as nursing workforce development, nursing research needs, and student loan programs.

Connie Delaney, dean of the University of Minnesota School of Nursing, Viterbo alumna, and Viterbo Board of Trustees member, invited them to have dinner with retired U.S. Army General Clara Mae Leach Adams-Ender.

“One thing I will never forget is the message she (General Adams-Ender) sent to me about how big of an impact nurses can have,” said Klimek. “While sometimes we get caught up in the tasks of working, we really need to step back and realize how much of an impact the team of health care has on our patients— because after all, the patients are the most important part of the team.”