Viterbo Student Gwen Mahoney Enjoying Christmas at Greccio Celebration

Thursday, December 21, 2023
Gwen Mahoney

Gwen Mahoney was so impressed with the St. Francis Choir that after Mass at San Damiano Chapel she went up to the group’s director, Polly Pappadopoulos, to ask if she could join.

Mahoney, a first-year neuroscience major from Mount Horeb who loves to sing, has been a member of the choir ever since that day in August. The group recently performed at Viterbo’s Celebrating Christmas at Greccio opening prayer service.

“I thought the event was awesome,” she said. “I loved looking at the different nativity scenes on display. From the terracotta sculpture from Sicily to the nativity scenes from other cultures, it was neat to see how depictions of the birth of Christ unify us.”

A Catholic, Mahoney attends Mass every Sunday at San Damiano Chapel, and one of the things that drew her to Viterbo was the university’s core values of hospitality and service. The other was the opportunity to participate in the school’s choirs as a non-music major. In addition to the St. Francis Choir, Mahoney is a member of the Concert Choir and Viterbo Choral Arts community group. She was even cast to perform in the Conservatory for the Performing Arts opera in February.

“I go home and rave about Viterbo,” she said. “Everyone here really makes the university feel like home, and the students receive so much support.”

A “high-energy person,” Mahoney is also an officer in the psychology club and STEM club. Off campus, she enjoys art, skiing, trap shooting, golf, and 4-H.

Mahoney is on the pre-med track at Viterbo, with plans to become a psychiatrist. She knows firsthand the importance and need for mental health professionals. Her brother is autistic and a bout with HSV encephalitis affected his brain.

“Helping others and taking care of people is very much in my nature,” said Mahoney, who is initially considering a position in the federal prison system. “I believe in service over self.”