Viterbo Center for Community Engagement to Host UGetConnected Exploration Sessions Sept. 18

Friday, September 6, 2019


Looking to serve in the community? Want to streamline community engagement into your course or department?

On Wednesday, Sept. 18, the Viterbo Center for Community Engagement will host two exploration sessions for UGetConnected software. The identical sessions will be held in Murphy Center 304 computer lab from noon–1 p.m. and from 4:30–5:30 p.m. Participants will explore basics for navigating the software for the first 30–40 minutes followed by user specific questions, allowing people the opportunity to explore the software while immediate help is available.

UGetConnected lists more than 160 local agencies and 300 active needs or service opportunities posted directly by local agencies. Anyone with a Viterbo ID can log into the software at and create a profile to begin connecting with local agencies and projects. This is a great tool to find service opportunities with colleagues or to direct students looking for more hands-on experiences with major-related or passion-focused agencies in the area.

There is a new Service Learning Module that can integrate directly to courses with a focus on community engagement and/or service-learning. This module allows instructors to easily identify students’ progress throughout the semester and the ability to create partnerships/projects that are private and specific to your section/course. It can also be used to help groups of people (for example, the student life office, honors program, student organizations, athletic teams, nursing seniors, etc.) capture the impact of their service throughout a semester/year.  

If you are unable to attend one of the sessions, schedule a meeting with Colin Burns-Gilbert, student life.