Megan Pierce (she/her/hers) serves as the director of multicultural student success and global engagement. This office is brand new as of July 2021, combining International & Intercultural Student Success and Study Abroad offices.

This brand-new restructured department at Viterbo University works to create a safe and identity-affirming space for students, promote social justice and equity initiatives, orient and support international students, and provide study abroad opportunities. We advise a variety of identity related student organizations, host social justice and equity training and events, and challenge norms to create a more socially just and equitable world for everyone to be their authentic selves.
Pierce received her Bachelor of Arts in psychology from the University of Northern Iowa and went on to earn a Master of Science in Education Student Affairs Administration degree from the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse. Upon graduation, she worked for three and a half years as a residence hall director at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse before beginning her role at Viterbo University.
In the spring of 2021, Pierce received the St. Francis Mission Award, which acknowledges someone who has demonstrated exemplary dedication to the mission of the university by living life with joy and gratitude, responding to the needs of others, promoting social justice and the common good, and respects all people as a unique creation of God’s.
How many years have you worked at Viterbo?
I have worked at Viterbo just over a year. I started at Viterbo in March 2020. My first day at Viterbo was the day the Safer at Home order was put in place. It was a unique way to start a new job in a brand new department. However, Viterbo’s hospitality and warmth was felt through every Zoom meeting and virtual introduction.
Areas of expertise?
Focusing on social justice and equity efforts, I believe it’s important to never claim to be an expert. I truly believe all individuals bring their own unique strengths, identities, and experiences. I love getting to know everyone for who they are, what they believe, and what they hope to accomplish. I enjoy being the cheerleader for my students and colleagues and watching them be successful.
I also pride myself that I do not shy away from having difficult conversations. I believe I am skilled in creating space to have difficult conversations where everyone can feel heard, validated, and hopefully gain a perspective they may not have seen before.
What do you love most about working at Viterbo?
My time at Viterbo has been relatively short, but I have never felt a stronger community. When I come into work every day, I know that I will be greeted with a smile (even through face masks) and the individuals I interact with care about me and want what is best for me.
Viterbo University is experiencing a lot of change which can be difficult, but it also shows that Viterbo is willing to adapt to the needs of our community and our students. I would never want to work for an organization that only does something because “it’s what we always do.” Viterbo has adapted to meet students’ needs in a pandemic and increased calls to create a more just and equitable campus community. We always have more work to do, but it’s because of Viterbo’s ability to say “yes” to change that I am confident we will continue to center our student and community needs.
What inspires you?
Seeing students and colleagues achieve success. One of the reasons I pursued a career in student affairs was the opportunity to be with students on days when success is evident, and we get to celebrate. As well as being with students on days when they didn’t pass a test, family or friend relationships are strained, or the feelings of being overwhelmed as we all discover who we are and who we want to be.
I would be remiss to not acknowledge the continual energy and inspiration my partner, Sam, provides me every single day. He is my consistent source of support and encouragement, and he never hesitates to swing by my office with a Diet Coke on tough days.
What others say about you?
“Megan is an amazing instructor. She facilitated great discussions and provided a safe and comfortable space for us to share our feelings. She did a great job tackling the difficult topics we covered and really opened my eyes and heart to the issues our society is facing in relation to diversity.”—Viterbo student
“Megan listens not just to hear, but listens to understand. She knows she will never truly understand everything that the people who confide in her are going through, but she is willing to sit there in the pain or sadness or frustration providing a safe space for anyone just to be their authentic self.”—Viterbo student
“Megan has had an immediate impact on our campus in such a short time and under such difficult circumstances, played a leading role in the university response to the demand for addressing racial equity across our campus, in co-curricular offerings like the Identities Project, in the Social Justice and Equity Committee, and in curriculum.”—Viterbo colleague
“Megan is a committed, compassionate, hard-working individual who will do whatever she can to support the students that she works with. Megan's willingness to show up, have difficult conversations, and stand up for what is right assists the institution in becoming more inclusive and accepting of all those around us."—Viterbo colleague