Skogen Family Welcome Center Opens at Viterbo University

Aug. 20, 2019

Contact Anthony Slaby at 608-796-3042 or


LA CROSSE, Wis. – Prospective students and their family members and other guests at Viterbo University will continue to experience the best in Franciscan hospitality thanks to the new Skogen Family Welcome Center, which is located on the first floor of the D.B. and Marge Reinhart Center for Ethics, Science, and Technology on campus.

“This is a great space from which to introduce everything Viterbo University has to offer,” said Viterbo President Glena Temple. “We wanted to have an efficient ‘one-stop center’ with our admission staff all in one place. The Skogen Family Welcome Center will make a great first impression and help make sure everyone’s needs are met when they visit campus.”

The Skogen Family Welcome Center, the funds for which were provided by multiple donors, including a lead gift by Festival Foods owners Dave, Barb, and Mark Skogen, features:

  • A centralized welcome desk, comfortable seating, a fireplace, and a hospitality bar
  • Six meeting rooms in which Viterbo employees can meet with prospective students and their families
  • A remodeled large, multipurpose classroom in which windows were added and the tiered seating removed
  • Eight additional offices for enrollment management division staff 
  • Two gender neutral, ADA accessible restrooms

 “The Welcome Center is designed to have that welcoming atmosphere families are looking for when deciding if Viterbo University will offer the quality of education and wonderful experience they want for their children,” said Barb Skogen, a member of the Viterbo board of trustees. “I am very impressed with the dedication of the faculty and staff at Viterbo. The students graduate from the university with a guarantee of success. I am proud to be a part of their success story, and our family was happy to support this important project.”
