Saint John XXIII Award and Scholarship a Great Tradition

Friday, July 24, 2020

The Saint John XXIII program is one of the major projects supported by the Viterbo Board of Advisors and includes a prestigious award and an endowed scholarship fund for Viterbo students.

St. John XXIII Award medal

The Saint John XXIII Award for Distinguished Service is the highest non-academic award bestowed by Viterbo University. Recipients are chosen on the basis of contributions in one or several of the following categories: education, business, philanthropy, peace and justice, and religious life. Established in 1975, the award is named after one of the Catholic church’s most beloved, popular, and revered popes.

The scholarship has two associated funds, a restricted account in which net proceeds from the annual Saint John XXIII awards dinner are held, and an endowed scholarship fund. Last year, $2,600 was awarded to a student from Chaseburg. For the upcoming year, $2,700 will be awarded to a student from Ontario, Wisconsin, who is majoring in nursing.

On June 30, the endowed fund had a principle balance of $46,500 plus net earnings of $7,370 after the scholarships were awarded and funds deducted. The restricted fund also has a balance of just over $61,000.

While we had hoped to host a rescheduled awards dinner in September, this planning has been suspended. Viterbo has committed to no gathering of more than 50 people, except in rare instances. This is in line with the guidance from the La Crosse County Health Department. We are still working to determine a plan to publicly recognize our award recipients and will share those details when they are finalized.