"A Proposal to Halt Chronic Wasting Disease in Wisconsin" Presentation at Viterbo University Oct. 10

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Oct. 4, 2018

Contact Rick Kyte at 608-796-3704 or rlkyte@viterbo.edu or Nicole Van Ert at 608-796-3616 or nmvanert@viterbo.edu


LA CROSSE, Wis. – Retired Wisconsin DNR wildlife experts Mike Foy and Tom Hauge will present “A Proposal to Halt Chronic Wasting Disease in Wisconsin” at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 10 in the Viterbo University School of Nursing Building Collins Auditorium room 196.

Chronic wasting disease has been detected in 53 counties in Wisconsin, and its continued spread threatens the future of Wisconsin’s hunting heritage and a $1 billion per year economic resource. Up to this point, there have been no serious proposals for slowing the spread of CWD in Wisconsin.

Foy and Hauge’s proposal is to pay hunters and landowners for killing CWD-infected deer. “Payment 4 Positives” is an incentive-based program that would invest approximately two percent of the annual economic gain realized from deer hunting to enlist hunters throughout the state to address a problem that has long frustrated natural resource officials. 

“We suggest taking a business world approach and offer landowners, hunters, and small businesses a robust financial reward for voluntarily acting to sustain the health of Wisconsin’s deer herd,” said Foy and Hauge. “Our deer hunting heritage makes a $1.3 billion annual economic contribution to our state.”

Foy retired from the Wisconsin DNR as a wildlife biologist working more than 30 years, half of which he was on the front lines of the state’s CWD response efforts in southern Wisconsin. Hauge retired from the DNR after 37 years with the wildlife program, the last 25 as director of the Wildlife Management Program.

This presentation is part of the D.B. Reinhart Institute for Ethics in Leadership’s fall 2018 lecture series and is free and open to the public. It is cosponsored by the La Crosse County Conservation Alliance. No tickets are necessary, but seating is limited. For a full schedule of D.B. Reinhart Institute for Ethics in Leadership events, visit www.viterbo.edu/ethics.

