October Professional Development Opportunities for Employees

Thursday, October 3, 2019

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Viterbo employees are invited to attend these professional development opportunities this month.

  • Tuesday, Oct. 8 from 9–10 a.m.: “Employee Well-being” – School of Nursing Building room 101. Join Marci Iverson and Tessa Davis (Viterbo’s fitness/wellness intern) as they discuss personal well-being.  Personal wellbeing is multifaceted and interdependent. Participants will be able to describe seven dimensions of wellness, identify strengths, learn ways to engage at work and at home to affirm or build holistic well-being.
  • Wednesday, Oct. 16 from 11 a.m.–noon: Webinar “Workplace Bullying: What, Who, and How” presented by FEI (Viterbo’s new EAP program) – School of Nursing Building room 101
  • Thursday, Oct. 17 from 2–3 p.m.: “Understanding the Tuition Exchange Process” – Brophy Center room 124
  • Thursday, Oct. 24 from 1–2 p.m.: “Living the Mission, The Values of St. Francis” – School of Nursing Building room 101

For more details about each session, watch for upcoming announcements or check out the HR SharePoint site’s professional development calendar.