Library Instruction Program Supports Viterbo’s Core Curriculum

Friday, October 25, 2019

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By Jodi Hilleshiem

“Students [will] identify, locate, evaluate, and effectively and responsibly use and share information in a variety of contexts.” What better way to meet one of the university’s information literacy learning outcomes than to schedule an in-person or online instruction session with me, Jodi Hilleshiem? I started my new position as Instruction and Electronic Resources Librarian Aug. 26, but I’m no stranger to Viterbo. Attending as an undergrad, I spent one break moving books from the old library on the third floor to its current location.

Are your students having difficulty finding credible sources? Do they give up if they can’t find full articles? We can instruct them on the wide variety of databases the library provides, giving them tips on limiting searches, requesting materials we don’t have access to, and saving their articles to RefWorks, as well as teaching them to be critical of the information they find. Short on time? We can schedule a mini-session, focusing on just one resource, or create an instruction video to share with students.

If your students need more individualized assistance with their research, encourage them to stop by or chat with a librarian to get help. Full contact information can be found at

Faculty can also partner with librarians to create subject or course-specific guides (see existing guides). Contact me at or ext. 3278 to schedule an instruction session for your class, create a guide, or discuss other ways the library can help you and your students.