Expanded Checkout Times in the Library

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Caitlyn Library.jpg

By Mary Rieder

Welcome back to campus. The library has implemented some new Circulation Policies this semester, which will expand the amount of time you can check out several collections.

The biggest change is that you can now check out reference materials, which formerly did not circulate at all. They can now be checked out from the library for three days. The only exception is a small Ready Reference collection located behind the Reference Desk.

Additionally, DVDs and videos can now be borrowed for seven days, up from the three days they were at previously. This matches the circulation period for music CDs. 

Finally, Career Collection materials now circulate for 30 days for both students and faculty instead of the week they were at before.

For more information about these changes, email Caitlyn Konze, or call the main desk at 608-796-3269.