Bill Berg: Board Is a Vital Viterbo Partner

I have had the privilege to serve as president of the Viterbo board of advisors for several years, and have witnessed firsthand the value of its relationship with Viterbo University. Our board of advisor members represent a broad spectrum of community leaders, including many from the fields of education, religion, government, business, and industry. As such, we are able to provide input, perspective, and feedback to Viterbo on how it might better meet the needs and challenges of the community and beyond.

Bill Berg, president of the Viterbo board of advisors
Bill Berg, president of the Viterbo board of advisors

Because of our varied backgrounds, we can offer unique insights on not only those needs, but also on potential programs and partnerships to address them. As a result, we can contribute to making Viterbo University more successful.

Besides offering meaningful input and feedback, our members are vocal supporters for Viterbo in the community. I believe that effort has helped many area students to seriously consider Viterbo for their higher education needs.

Today, as I walk around the campus and tour its facilities, I can see the many structural changes that have occurred since I first became a member of the board of advisors. All of these changes have helped to make Viterbo a more modern and inviting place to learn.

But beyond those physical changes, I also have witnessed the many significant changes to programs, curricula, and partnerships. Take, for example, the joint effort with the Boys and Girls Club, the major programs in Servant Leadership, and the curricula updated to be more relevant in today’s world.

The end result is that Viterbo continues to fill a valuable role in our community, providing a welcoming and nurturing place to receive an excellent, challenging, and meaningful education, all in the context of our Christian faith.

We, as the Viterbo board of advisors, are thankful for Viterbo University and the important impact to our community. We are grateful to be a part of its efforts