When Nicole Broz of Waterford graduated from Viterbo University with a degree in biology, she was ready to attend dental school at Marquette University with the ultimate goal of owning her own practice. A college education and fulfilling her dream of becoming a dentist was made possible by financial aid.
“Although I worked very hard at two jobs throughout high school and during summers, it is not enough to pay for tuition at any school,” said Broz, who earned her degree in December 2018 after only three and a half years. “Without financial aid, it would not be possible for me to attend Viterbo. Financial aid has made this school much more affordable to me, and I am so thankful. Earning a college degree is something that I’ve always known that I wanted.”
Broz chose to attend Viterbo for two reasons, the first of which is the sense of welcoming she felt from the university’s close-knit campus community. She also did exceptionally well in Viterbo’s largest scholarship competition.
“When I toured campus, science faculty convinced me to apply for the Health Science Scholarship Competition to possibly win a scholarship and make Viterbo more affordable for me. I ended up winning third place, which came with a prize of $10,000 over four years. This, along with the great financial aid packages available at Viterbo, is what really convinced me to attend. Viterbo is a great school and the cost became comparable to a state school because of my scholarships, grants, and financial aid.”
Professor Tammy Clark, whom Broz called her favorite faculty member for making a feared organic chemistry class very interesting and manageable, helped her set up an internship and research project at Grand River Dental in downtown La Crosse.
When Broz wasn’t busy with school, she enjoyed the outdoors, listening to music, watching baseball, and working as a tour guide in the Viterbo admissions office.
“Nicki has a true love for Viterbo and enjoyed sharing this with perspective students and their families,” said Caryn Witt, who was formerly Viterbo’s visit and events coordinator. “Nicki is a strong academic student who excels at time management and balancing school, work, and life—yet she still has time for volunteering, and cheering on her favorite baseball team, the Cubs. Nicki’s work ethic and her strong desire to help others will take her far in life. She has a great future.”