Wisconsin Education Recrutiment Fair (WERF)
Mar 28 7:00 - 9:00
WERF Event

Interested in a career in Education? This fair is for you!

Western WERF (Wisconsin Education Recruitment Fair) is an educator fair held in Wisconsin early in the hiring season. Candidates who are interested in working in the K-12 school setting will have a chance to engage with school districts from Wisconsin and through the U.S. and explore their opportunities. There is no registration fee for students and alumni. The fair is coordinated by the higher education institutions of Wisconsin.

Pre-registration isn't required but we recommend it so you receive fair reminders and can follow your favorite employers.

An event program listing all the organizations will be provided at the fair. You are encouraged to bring copies of your resume/vitae if you have them. Refreshments and light snacks will be provided during the fair.


Please park on Levels 1-3 of our campus parking ramp, located at 1623 Farwell Street, La Crosse, WI, 54601. See "Attachments" in Handshake for a map. (Do not park in any space that’s marked as “Reserved" or the Residence Hall Levels 4-5.) Pay for parking through the Passport Parking app: https://www.uwlax.edu/parking/

How to prepare


For resume/vitae, interviewing, or employment offer assistance, we encourage you to contact the Career Services Office at your university.

To Request ADA Accommodations

Please contact Rebecca Lee, rlee@uwlax.edu.

You may also be interested in attending Eastern WERF on Thursday, April 3, 2025. Details and registration for that fair are available through Handshake at this link: https://bit.ly/Sp25EasternWERF

The University of Wisconsin-La Crosse is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer and complies with Title IX and Section 504.

UWL Academic Advising Center & Career Services reserves the right to photograph participants at events for use in promotional publications.