The procedures for submitting courses to the Core Curriculum Committee depend on approval sought. However, all course proposals submitted to the Core Curriculum Committee must be signed by a department chair in an affiliated discipline and the college dean appropriate to the approval sought.
Faculty and department chairpersons should check deadline dates for submission, which vary yearly. If proposals reach the committee after the deadline date, approved courses cannot be included in registration materials, university catalogs, etc. Proposals not submitted by the deadline date will not be considered by the university wide curriculum committee until the next approval period.
A course approved for the core curriculum satisfies gen ed requirements for students taking the course that semester and in the future. It does not confer retroactive gen ed credit.
Each school has in place its own curriculum committee. In some cases, a college dean may request faculty to submit materials for review to additional curricular committees prior to approval and forwarding to the Core Curriculum Committee. College or school-specific deadlines, forms and procedures vary, and are not addressed in this document.
Procedures for submitting existing courses for general education status within Foundations or Ways of Thinking categories:
- Use the Core Curriculum Course Approval/Change form.
- Gain approval of department chairperson and school dean. These signatures must be on the form.
- Submit Viterbo University course approval form to the chair of the university Core Curriculum Committee.
Core Curriculum Committee review and response:
- The Chair will review the materials and if found to be complete, will forward the proposal on to the full committee. The chair may request additional material to be submitted. If the changes are substantive the revised request must be reviewed and approved by the endorsing departmental chair and dean.
- The committee will vet the proposal and communicate its decision in writing to the endorsing department chairperson, appropriate school dean, and registrar.
Procedures for submitting a new recurring Mission Seminar course for a unique course number with or without seeking Ways of Thinking or Foundations status:
- Use the Mission Seminar Course Approval form.
- (Recommended) Although the signature of a college dean or department chair is not necessary it may be useful to provide your proposal to the appropriate VUSM learning community leader for review prior to submission.
- Submit Viterbo University course approval form to the chair of the university Core Curriculum Committee.
Core Curriculum Committee review and response:
- The Chair will review the materials and if found to be complete, will forward the proposal on to the full committee. The chair may request additional material to be submitted. If the changes are substantive the revised request must be reviewed and approved by the endorsing departmental chair and dean.
- The committee will vet the proposal and communicate its decision in writing to the endorsing department chairperson, appropriate school dean, and registrar.
Procedures for submitting a course for deletion or to remove the general education status of a continuing course:
- Use the Core Curriculum Course Approval/Change form.
- Gain approval of department chairperson in an affiliated discipline and school dean. These signatures must be on the form.
- Submit Viterbo University course approval form to the chair of the university Core Curriculum Committee.
Core Curriculum Committee review and response
The Chair will forward the application to the full committee. The committee will vet the proposal and communicate its decision in writing to the endorsing department chairperson, appropriate school dean, and registrar.
Procedures for submitting Special Topics courses for general education status:
- Use the Core Curriculum Course Approval/Change form.
- Gain approval of department chairperson and the school dean. These signatures must be on the form.
- Submit Viterbo University course approval form to the chair of the university curriculum committee. Complete section II and III for general education credit. Complete section IV for the appropriate overlay (see directions above).
Core Curriculum Committee review and response
- The Chair will review the materials and if found to be complete, will forward the proposal on to the full committee. The chair may request additional material to be submitted. If the changes are substantive the revised request must be reviewed and approved by the endorsing departmental chair and dean.
- The committee will vet the proposal and communicate its decision in writing to the endorsing department chairperson, appropriate school dean, and registrar.
Additional Information
- Deadlines for request submissions will be communicated to department chairpersons and school deans each semester. The deadline will normally be one week prior the October meeting of the Core Curriculum Committee in the fall and one week prior to the February meeting as indicated on the published Tuesday/Thursday schedule. Requests may be considered at any meeting of the Core Curriculum Committee with prior notice.
- The Core Curriculum Committee will only vet content for general education status. Major and minor requirements are addressed in separate procedures.
- The procedures are the identical for Foundations and Ways of Thinking designation. Be sure to indicate the approval sought on the Approval Form.
- To ensure full and fair consideration of all proposals the Core Curriculum Committee may consult Viterbo University faculty from affiliated disciplines when considering Ways of Thinking status.
- Unless otherwise indicated, all applications must include a full syllabus and schedule with clearly articulated learning outcomes which align with the published outcomes of the appropriate general education component.
- The Core Curriculum Course Approval Change form will suffice for the Registrar’s purposes. You do not need to fill out an additional Course Approval Change form for the same request.
- To renew a designation for a generic Mission Seminar section or a Special Topics Course you may use the Core Curriculum Renewal form for expedited approval.
Course changes that require no approval from the CCC:
- Course change in a major or minor that affects another department, but not general education,
- New course in a major or minor that does not affect another department or general education,
- New programs that are not interdisciplinary in nature.