Promotion and Tenure

Promotion & Tenure Process and Criteria

The process and criteria for faculty promotion and tenure are outlined in the Viterbo University employee handbook and elaborated upon in several important documents. Viterbo personnel can locate these resources using the following links:

Review Deadlines

Type of Review

Candidate’s Moodle Portfolio due to Dean; Chair/Director letters and other supporting letters due to Dean

Dean forwards Dean’s letter and all supporting letters (.pdf) to VPAA and Candidate

Moodle Portfolio complete – all letters uploaded

Promotion Review

Monday of Spring Inservice

January 25th

February 1st

Tenure Review
(typically sixth year)

August 1st

Monday before Fall Inservice

Monday of Fall Inservice

Second Pre-Tenure review
(typically fifth year)

First Tuesday in September

Third Monday in September

Last Monday in September

First Pre-Tenure Review (typically third year)

Monday of Spring Inservice

First Monday in February

Second Monday in February


Committee Members

Name Department Term(s)
Jennie Anderson-Meger Criminal and Community Justice, Social Work 2023FA - 2026SP
Emily Dykman Religious Studies and Theology 2023FA - 2026SP
Scott Gabriel Biology, Biochemistry, and Neuroscience 2024FA - 2027SP
Andrew Hamilton (Chair) Ethics, Culture, and Society 2019FA - 2022SP
2022FA - 2025SP
Cameron Kiersch Nursing 2024FA - 2027SP
Sherri Lisota Ethics, Culture, and Society

2020FA - 2022SP
2022FA - 2025SP

Ann Schoenecker Music

2021FA - 2024SP
2024FA - 2027SP