noun ser·vice-learn·ing \ˈsər-vəs lərn-ing\
Definition: Service-Learning is a method of teaching that consists of student participation in a service activity that meets an identified community need, has a connection to course content, and includes continuous reflection emphasizing the learning involved in the experience.
Service Immersion - Spring Break 2024

Interested in Service this Spring Break? Sign up for the service immersion experience to Milwaukee hosted by community engagement and campus ministry, Sunday March 10–Friday March 15. Applications were due Feb. 5, 2024.
*Due to low registration, this trip was canceled Spring 2024.* Submit suggestions for future Service Immersion experiences to
All majors are welcome to apply. Participants will serve with 6-8 different non-profits, build connections with guests and non-profit staff, and reflect on how to serve the common good in a variety of ways.
**An informational session about our trip was held on Thursday, Nov. 16 in BRC 124 from 3–4 p.m.**
Click here for an overview of our journey from Casa Romero Retreat Center.
*Why should you care about this?*
- Gain greater awareness of social issues through input, reflection, prayer, service, agency visits, and human conversation.
- Explore interesection of connected social justice themes: hunger, homelessness, poverty, immigration, our environment, racism, and more.
- Explore & consider yourself while making connections with people in our group and guests we meet throughout the week.
- Apply lessons learned to our inter-econnected local community and beyond.
- Carry peoples' stories with you as you work to be part of solutions serving the common good in your professional and personal journey.
- Put our theme of the year into action: Dare to Wonder.
Click here to read the impact of our US/Mexico Service Immersion experience - Spring Break 2020.
Lumen Article: US Border Service Trip
Thanks to all who joined us on April 26 for our Service-Learning Showcase
2017 Service-Learning Showcase Schedule and Map
Building Service-Learning into Every Student's Education
VUSM 300: Serving the Common Good
Following in the Franciscan tradition and Viterbo value of service, all Viterbo students are required to complete the core curriculum mission course “Serving the Common Good.” This course (VUSM 3XX) gives students hands-on experience in civic engagement that connects back to the material learned in the course. Students participate in activities designed to foster the common good while reflecting on their values and practices of community, servant leadership, and collaboration. Partnerships and collaborations with community partners allow students to demonstrate a developing competency of community engagement and civic responsibility.