Student Boards, Associations, and Councils

Residence Hall Association (RHA) is a student-led organization composed of resident students with a goal of improving residence life on campus. It provides an opportunity and means for self-expression and self-government by and for the residence hall/apartment/theme house students. RHA is democratic in its function and effective in its action. The organization shares responsibility for the formulation, recommendation, and review of the policies concerning residence life. RHA also provides recommendations for campus dining. We strive to enrich the lives of students and to help them feel comfortable in the university community. RHA is the perfect way for residents to be heard and to get action taken. There are also outstanding leadership options with RHA, including annual conferences.

Advisor: Hannah Dickman

Student Government Association (SGA) It is the mission of the Viterbo University SGA to represent and advocate for Viterbo students. The SGA works to improve campus life for students, bridge communication between students and the university, ensure appropriate use of student activity fee monies, and strengthen student organizations. SGA is an elected board of students.

Advisor: Kirsten Gabriel